Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Milestone: She figured out a straw

I've been trying to get Violet to drink from a straw for months. It's just easier when we are out if she can drink from a straw, otherwise I have to remember to pack a sippy cup, blah, blah, blah. This weekend at the pool she picked up my water bottle and drank from the straw. Hurray! We've been practicing at home with her straw sippy cup.

Incidentally, she can also blow on her food when it is hot, and sniff the mint growing in the garden. It's funny when sometimes she mixes these up. I ask her to smell the mint, and she blows on it.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kickin' at 19 weeks

Saturday night, after a fun day at the Tiemann Farm, relaxing on the couch I felt the first real kicks from Raudababy Too. Not the fluttery kind, but the honest-to-goodness kick kind. Love that feeling.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A day at the farm - the best part

A day at the farm - Part 2

Notice how all the pictures of Violet are of her walking away?

A day at the farm - Part 1

It's always a treat when we get to spend the day at the farm, but it is especially magical now that Violet is old enough to enjoy all the fun stuff there is to do. She picked peaches, plums, sweet corn, strawberries and blackberries. Petted the chickens, and was amazed by the butterflies. There was no stopping her, she was running all over checking everything out.

And here are Aunt Kayla, cousin Ainsley (8 months), Violet (16 months) and I (19 months pregnant)

Must be summer time!

This is a great picture of Violet enjoying some watermelon, and I think it also nicely shows off the Band-Aid on her chin which is covering up the nice gash she got when she felt and landed chin-first on my opn dresser drawer. Good thing my mother's intuition told me to pick up a box of Band-Aids not long after she took her first steps.


Swimming with Dad

We've got to get a bigger pool.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Raudababy Too - 16 Weeks

Everything was perfect at my 16 week appointment. Baby is tracking 2 days ahead of schedule and was very active, which made the ultrasound fun. The baby was moving its mouth, like it was talking!

Below are the sonograms, which looks like the Raudababy Too has the Raudabaugh nose - just like big sis. Speaking of Big Sis, she was there as well and said "Bay-bee" when she was watching the ultrasound.

Straight on, looking at the face

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

15 Month Stats

Violet had a great 15 month doctor visit. She started walking the day before the appointment so she officially hit....no, smashed all of her milestones. The doctor was especially pleased with all the words Violet knows. So far "No" isn't one of them, but I'm sure it's coming.

Here are the measurements:
  • Weight: 21 lbs 14 oz (40th %)
  • Height: 30 1/4 in (45th %) - HUGE growth from 3 months ago!
  • Head Circumference: 44 1/2 cm (30th %)

Jagger vs. Violet

Hugging Jagger

Terrorizing Jagger

Water Baby

Barefoot and Pregnant

The Girls: Violet and her friend Lucy Loungin'

They're Buddies