Sunday, August 29, 2010

A long walk

She'd rather walk than ride these days. So she walked...

and walked...

and walked...

and walked...

and walked.

At Brushy Creek Park This Morning

Cheryl and her Dion
Violet & Dion collaborating on something

Friday Night in "The Branch"

Raudababy Too, 29 weeks

Violet chasing the ducks

A Step

I didn't know when I built this stool in high (or middle?) school shop class that my daughter would be using it 20+ years later. Neat.

I Might Be Nesting

The Circus!

Planned an afternoon at the circus, but kept our expectations low. Last year after all Violet took a nap in the middle of the show. But this year was different. She's 18 months old, and curious, and AWAKE...she had a fantastic time - really engaged and smiling and clapping. Couldn't have asked for a better day or a better daughter.

I walk through the park on our way to the's 100+, so can't wait to get inside.


Ringling Brothers and Raudabaugh Family Circus

Play "Date"

Dion came over to play recently, and it was fun as usual. The difference this time was that Cheryl and I both noticed that Violet and Dion were starting to really interact and play together. Super cute to watch.

A toast...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

28 Weeks

A great 28 week doctor appointment today. Mom passed the glucose screen with flying colors and Raudababy Too looks "perfect" (doctor's words, not mine, but I wholeheartedly agree). The baby is still in the breech position so it was hard for the doctor to get any good pictures, however, we saw enough to believe RT could quite possibly be another daddy clone.

This weekend demo starts on Violet's Big Girl room so we can get her transitioned to her new room and bed well before we rock her world with a new baby.

Next appointment is in 3 weeks.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

At the park today

A 5 mile walk and a stop at the playground, all before 11. Then home where everyone took a 3-hour nap.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

26 Weeks

Entering into the 3rd trimester. I really can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going by, and I am trying my best to savor every moment. Starting to feel the pressure of everything I want to do before this kiddo comes - good thing I work well under pressure.

This baby continues to be very active and kicks a lot more than Violet ever did. A boy? Other than the kicking, this pregnancy feels exactly like Violet's. Another girl? I'll let you all know in +/- 13 weeks.