Dear Vivian,
You are one year old today. I just put you and Violet to bed and I was thinking about what a crazy, hectic, fun year this has been. I'll never forget the day you came into this world...I was so sure you were going to be a boy, and so over-the-top happy that you were a girl. See, I have a big sister too and I can't imagine life any other way. You and Violet are going to have a lot of fun together. Now that you are able to do so many things, it's fun to see your relationship blossom. Already you guys talk to each other, laugh and make each other scream at the top of your lungs!
I can't believe it was a year ago that you came into my life, I'll never forget holding you for the first time and kissing your soft, warm, slimy head. I was the happiest person in the world because our family was perfect and complete. Since then you have brought me so much joy - you're a champion when it comes to everything like sleeping and eating, and you are so easy to take care of. You don't cry much and you never get sick. Come to think of it, for a 1 year old, you are pretty tough. You have a strong independence that is thrilling to watch.
Tonight you were playing with you daddy and trying to stand on your own. It won't be long now and you'll be doing that, then walking, then running and then I'll blink and you'll be grown. But if there is one thing I know for sure it is that I haven't wasted a moment of you. Every late night feeding, every diaper change, every meal, every mundane thing. I'm savoring every moment because it goes too fast. Now that you are one you'll stop taking formula from a bottle, which means I don't get to start my day holding you, studying your features and playing with your little toes while you drink your bottle. That's ok though, I'm soaking up these last few remaining days of it, then I will enjoy the next stage of your life.
I'm looking forward to the next year and watching all your first experiences and wide-eyed wonder as you really start to explore the world around you.
Today and always no one is more proud of you than me. Happy first birthday, baby girl.
I love you,