Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Violet, and Vivian (7 mos)

The Shining?I love that both our girls are Texans, here's proof...pint-sized cowboy boots.

All Dressed Up...

...and ready for storytime at the library.

Twice the fun

Violet's Cookies

Visit from Grandpa Ned

Wearing pjs and a tutu, watching Grandpa make HCRs
Not sure who's in charge here

Feeding the ducks with daddy, The Birthday Boy!

Memorial Day weekend at South Padre Island

ROAD TRIP!!!! The portable DVD player was a lifesaver. However, since this trip Violet resists riding in the car and thinks that every car ride is going to be 6 hours long.

Digging a big hole
Playing in the surf
Building sand castles
If you're happy and you know it raise your arms!

Milestone: Violet gets her toenails painted

They make a great nail polish that dries in 60 seconds, so I thought it might be possible to get Violet to sit still for at least that long. She's a true girly girl and loves having her toenails painted. The next morning the first thing she said was "where my toes?"

We let them sleep wherever they fall

Play Date

Same great taste in clothesVivian's friends

Milestone: Vivian Eats Vegetables

A little late getting this posted, Vivian has been eating "solids" for a month now. This was her first taste of carrots. She has also tried peas, sweet potato, corn and green beans. She loves it all.

A day at the lake

Alli and Violet, BFFs
Vivian, 6 months
This is what they did ALL DAY
The baby tent
Game over!


Beating the heat at the splash park

A Walk In The Park

Baby turtleFeeding the ducks with our neighbors Carrie and Alli

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Vivian - Baptism

Cousins" Vivian (5 mo), Austin (2.5 yr), Violet (2 yr), Ashna (8 mo)

Pretty girls

Nap with grandpa at the pool


We're gonna need a bigger pool

Typical week night on Emmett Parkway

Austin Turns 3!!!

Great day yesterday celebrating Austin's 3rd birthday. We rode the Cedar Rock Railroad, beat up a pinata and of course ate cupcakes.

Here is a picture of Violet showing Nana how to blow bubbles
Everyone waiting their turn for a cupcake
Violet was in awe of all the candy and showed amazing restraint. She picked two packages of Smarties and was so happy
Riding the train
James, Austin and Gianna
Happy Birthday Austin!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Conversations with Violet

Jeff: "Are you finished?"
Violet: "I ate a good lunch."
Jeff: "Are you finished?"
Violet: "I don't need anything else. Well, maybe strawberries."
Violet: drinking her milk, "I was thirsty. I'm going to finish my milk too."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Vivian - 6 Month Update

A little late, but here are Vivian's stats from her 6 month well check.

Weight: 15# 7oz (45%)
Height: 25" (25%)
Head: 43cm (55%)

She's following the same growth curve as her 4 month visit and she has a very healthy appetite. Vivian has never pushed a bottle away - she always finishes it - and seems to have room for more. We've started vegetables; so far carrots, sweet potato, peas, and green beans.

She sits up very well and grabs at everything around her. But the most fun is watching her and Violet's relationship develop. Violet is very sweet with her and likes to bring her toys and try to make her laugh. When Violet is around, Vivian doesn't take her eyes off her sister.