Friday, February 27, 2009

More Pictures!



Violet is less than 2 days old and she has already met these very special people (in no particular order):

Grandpa Ned
Colby & Kayla
Christie & Katie
Jim and Brenda
Grandma Robillard 
Trevor, Laurel and Austin

Whew...we sure feel loved. Thanks everyone for the visits, gifts, and love.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mama in the hospital

The 3 of us are holding out well, baby is happy, mama is strong and dad is excited!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lordy, lordy, look who's 40 (weeks, that is).

Two major milestones today. First I hit 40 weeks, and second it was my last day of work. Weird to wrap things up at work and hand in my computer, but it felt like the right time considering I have been feeling a little sick this week and this morning the doctor confirmed that I am 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. There is a good chance that I can go into labor on my own within the next day or two, but if not we are scheduled for an induction Thursday morning. There will be a Raudababy by the weekend!!

So, now my focus is on starting labor so I don't have to be induced. I took the dog for a 45 min walk today and then came home and vacuumed the living room. Hey, what ever it takes. Even if it means I have to clean. 

Come on baby!   

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Robillard!

We took Jagger on our stroller's first test drive this week.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Somewhere in the 8th month

Baby's Room is Ready...and so are we.

Here are some pics of the nursery after we finished assembling the crib and hanging the mirror.

Thanks, Aunt Rene!

The bedding is perfect!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The crib is in! The crib is in !

Now the baby can come! Here is what it will look like once we put the kajillion little pieces together.

Week 39

Just a brief post to let all you faithful The Raudababy blog followers know that my 39 week appointment went well today. Not much more physical progress, but contractions and cramping kept me awake most of the night last night, which pissed me off, but it's exciting too (and a little frightening).

I've so far gained 23 pounds and am "all baby". The baby is estimated in the low 7 pounds right now, gaining approximately an ounce a day.

The doctor thinks we'll deliver pretty much on our due date, but the nurse has a feeling it will be this week. I hope the nurse is right.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 38

Jeff and I just left my 38 week (and 1 day) appointment. The report is "textbook" (doctor's words, not mine). Everything is exactly on track:

Belly measures 38 cm (equal to 38 weeks)
25% effaced
1 cm dilated

No baby this weekend, but there will be one likely pretty darn close to, if not on, our due date. 13 days to go...but who's counting?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Nursery (After)

Nursery (Before)

Week 36 Sonogram

Here is the sonogram from two weeks ago. It's not very clear, but one is a shot of the lips/nose, and the other is a picture of our baby's face. We think it has Jeff's nose!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Last night a group of our friends planned a happy hour "shower" at Doc's Motorworks. The thing we all have in common is that everyone was either a past or current employee of fd2s. It was a fun reunion and a good "last hurrah" before the baby arrives. Sort of like the pregnancy version of a bachelor party only there were no strippers and everyone can remember what they did last night.

Then I got home, looked down and couldn't believe what I saw...cankles. The likes of which I've never seen before. I've reached the ugly stage of pregnancy. Let's hope these changes are not permanent.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

37 Weeks

Three weeks to go. I saw the doctor today and everything is still going great, although my blood pressure is a little higher than it normally is and I gained 2.5 lbs from last week. I'm pretty sure that's due to water retention since my hands are so swollen I can't comfortably wear my rings. The most exciting thing is that I am 1/2 cm dilated. It doesn't mean a whole lot, but it's exciting to know that things are progressing. Isn't nature amazing?!?