Saturday, November 28, 2009

101 ways to have fun with a box

We weren't even drunk (but we did drink a pot of coffee).

And the #1 way to have fun with a box...

Put your wiener in it!

PINK Christmas

Violet's First Thanksgiving

Violet's first Thanksgiving was great. Dad, Mom, Violet and Jagger walked the Turkey Trot with Deanna and Jay. Grandpa Ned drove in from The Woodlands, and we all went to Jim and Andrea's for the feast.

We decided to try Violet on "regular" table food, and what better than thanksgiving dinner?!?! She ate Turkey, mashed potatoes, cheesy mashed potatoes, green beans, yams, and bread. LOTS of bread. Did I mention she loves bread?? She sat at the table and ate with the family. It was so much fun.

Later Violet napped on the couch with Grandpa while we watched home movies of Violet's great grandparents, Pappy and Grammy.

Violet's second cousin Katie was there and handed down tons of adorable clothes to Violet and Ainsley.

It was such a full day, Violet skipped her last bottle, fell asleep in her clothes and didn't wake up until morning.

Turkey Trot

Lining up at the starting line for the 5-mile Turkey Trot

Half way done, and still going strong. Even Jagger.

Violet stayed awake the whole time!

Deanna and Jay.

Stopped for a drink. Almost done. Let's go eat turkey.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Waffles and Carrots

Get me outta here!

Violet crawled under her exersaucer and then started crying because she couldn't get out. Like any good mother, instead of helping her I ran to get the camera.

Friday, November 20, 2009


She just picked up a Cheerio and put it in her mouth all by herself - twice!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Love this outfit

Rather proud of myself for finding cute outfits at the consignment store. Guilt free shopping!

Tiny Toes

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Almost 9 Months

Doing laps around the couch

Playing with her shadow.

Pulling Up

After this stunt, we lowered the crib.

Monday, November 16, 2009

V and J


Turns out we weren't quite out of the woods with Violet being sick when last Thursday she woke up around Midnight with an incredibly LOW temperature. Not knowing what this meant we called the doctor, who shocked us by saying it was no biggie. Thankfully this weekend Violet has made a full recovery, and she blew past three milestones:

1. Now official sitting up whenever she wants to (no more "hit or miss")
2. Pulling up on everything (we lowered the crib)
3. Feeding herself (an organic, whole grain waffle)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

She's Back!

Olivia just called and said that V woke up from a marathon, 3-hour nap. Her temp is 97.1!!!! I am so relieved that the fever finally broke. It's been 6 days of worry and watching her sleep - watching her every move really. I'm now going to count my gray hair.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Olivia, Violet's nanny called me at work Friday afternoon to tell me that Violet woke up from her nap with a 102.6 fever. By the time Jeff got home it was up to 103.6. After lots of snuggles, a few doses of Tylenol and a sleepless night things seem to be trending better. We're laying low at home today and hoping Violet gets back to her self soon.


Despite the poor organization of this event, we had a good time and saw lots of fancy flying machines. Violet liked it too and was her usual go-with-the-flow self as she ate lunch in the car on the way there (traffic jam), and ate dinner in the parking lot on the way out (another traffic jam). She wasn't such a fan of the F15 Strike Eagle - way too loud.

This is what I went to see...The Blue Angels. And they did not disappoint.


Violet's Great Grandfather flew one of these, a P47 Thunderbolt.

Flying Horsemen


Wings Over Houston

The new meaning of multi-task

Jeff and Glacier Girl. She was rescued from an iceberg in Greenland, and we saw her fly!

I don't know what this is, but it's funny looking so I like it.

This is what Violet would look like if she were an astronaut.

Wanted to take a baseball bat to this speaker. Didn't it know that Violet was trying to take a nap???


We went to visit Grandpa Ned in Houston on Halloween. No official costume for Violet, but she looked cute in her Jack-o-lantern shirt and pumpkin shoes. Everyone at the air show told me what a cute little boy I had.

It was obviously opposite day. She may have her dad's nose, but she has my horns!

8 Months Old and Happy

We call this move "Peek-a-Squeak"

Mesmerized by the Austin snow globe. This is likely the only time you'll see it snow in Austin, Violet.


A Walk in Brushy Creek Park

Beautiful weather + swings + babies = A great fall morning in TX

Hey, who left these children in the middle of this field?