Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hair Envy

Vivian to Ashna "Hey, where did you get all that hair, and can I have some?"


I was trying on my actual Senior Prom dress this week to make sure I could squeeze into it for a prom theme bowling fundraising event I'm participating in this weekend. Violet wanted to wear it, and here is a picture of her as prom queen. She was smiling from ear to ear and dancing around the living room. Have to admit, it made me flash forward to the day when she goes to her own prom. My only wish for her is that her dress is not this hideous.

White on White

This morning as Violet was coloring with a white crayon on white paper, she handed it to me and said "this one broken".

Friday, February 4, 2011


How am I supposed to go back to work now that she is doing THIS?

Texas-sized Snow Storm

While most things are bigger in Texas, snow storms are not one of them. No matter what your age, when you wake up to snow in Austin it's thrilling. Also, you have to get outside early to enjoy it since it rarely lasts until lunch :(

More Rochester Photos

Aunt Rene helping Violet chose an apple at Schutts Apple Mill. Had to make a stop there for some delicious cider and fried cakes.

This picture of Grandma rocking Vivian would be more heartwarming if Vivian's red eyes didn't make her look like a little demon.

Grandpa introducing Oscar to Violet who happens to be a BIG fan of "Key Cats"

Shenanigans between cousins...

She did this willingly


Scenes from 30,000 feet

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Girls Trip!!!

The girls and I had a great trip to Rochester this past weekend. Hard to believe we are back in Austin now, where it was 79 when we landed two days ago and tonight is supposed to be in the 20's!!!! What the !*@&!

Anyway, Violet is still talking about "cookie" the Guinea Pig, her cousins, "many airplanes", and pretzels so I know she had a great time. Vivian is still just a baby so I'm sure she has no idea what happened :)

While we were there we visited GG, had a playdate with Anna and Caitlin, went to Aunt Elizabeth's baby shower, and played in the SNOW! There is never enough time, but we packed a lot in and had a great time.

The trip up and back was just fine. Minimal delays and strangers were either helpful or else they just stared in wonder, which makes me think I must have been quite a sight. On the way home both V's slept the entire first flight and we played, read books, and ate snacks to pass the time on the second half. Violet was ready to be home halfway through the second flight, but I distracted her by singing and reading "Good Night Lake" about 1,000 times!!! There was one incident when it was time to put her seatbelt back on that she flopped down in the aisle screaming "NOOOOO!!!", but I grabbed her up with my one free hand and wrestled her into the seat while I avoided eye contact with all the other passengers.

Brush With Greatness

Record low temps in Austin today (22 degrees) means we had to get "creative" with finding fun things to do inside. Violet loves to paint, color and draw.

Sweet Vivian: 11 Weeks

Winter Day

What Goes Up...


A day at the park

Follow the leader


The Big Rig

Tea Party