Sunday, January 15, 2012

aka Vin

I just realized that Violet sometimes shortens Vivian's name to "Vin" and I thought that should be documented.

So behind

Been trying to catch up on a few photo projects for over a year now. Hoping the girls will stay napping long enough today for me to finally print Vivian's newborn photos and our family photos from last summer!

Time really does fly when you are having fun.

Milestone: Vivian Rides like a Big Girl

Vivian outgrew her infant carrier (22 lbs.) and now rides in a big girl seat just like Violet's.

Good News, Bad News

First the god news, Violet is officially potty trained! I'm so proud of her, and the cool thing is she is really proud of herself. Way to go, Violet! Without sharing TMI she can get the job done and we don't have to be afraid of leaving the house for fear of having an accident. It's nice not to have to think about the bathroom constantly.

Now for the bad, it goes something like this..."No! No! Noooooooooooooo!"

Just trying to execute a simple task, grocery shopping, which we have done countless times before without incident. Dare I say it's been fun in the past to have both of them with me. Today however was a totally different story.

First I cruised the parking lot looking for a parking spot close to a shopping cart corral with a special race car cart (the kind with the steering wheels for the kids). There were two - a blue one and a yellow one - so I thought everyone was going to be super happy. As I unloaded the girls I watched another mom claim the blue cart..."uh-oh. But we should still be fine there is that yellow one."...WRONG. Apparently today only the blue one would do. Violet proceeded to pitch a fit like I have only seen on rare occasions. There were lots of tears and screaming and kicking and turning stiff as a board, refusing to ride in the cart. After trying all my best tricks for calming a toddler I realized it just wasn't going to happen today. I loaded them back into the car and we went home with no groceries. Two words: Nap Time.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Potty Training Update

The first time I blogged about potty training Violet was almost a year ago. We had some successes, but then a long string of not-havin-it. This week I decided to try the fast-track method, and now we're in it and not going back. We started 4 days ago by saying good-bye to Violet's diapers. She has been doing great and we'll keep at it.

We spend a lot of out time in the bathroom and talking about the bathroom. It's exhausting and it's taking its toll on both her and me, but she'll keep trying and I'll keep supporting her.