Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Making the most of it

I have this week between Christmas and New Year's off from work, and I am loving all the time I get to spend with Violet. We are definitely making the most of it. We've already packed 3 play dates into two days, including story time at the Cedar Park Library. Violet goes to story time regularly with her nanny, but this is the first time I got to go. It was fun to see her interact with the other babies and I was so proud of her outgoing personality. She was crawling all around, playing with the toys and not at all worried about where I was. Very fun to watch, and such a proud moment.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Port A

The day after Christmas we drove to Port Aransas and met up with the Henderson clan. We spent a great couple of days taking walks on the beach, watching the little cousins play, and eating a lot of fish!

Festive. Family. First Christmas.

We had a great first Christmas with Violet. We spent Christmas Eve at Uncle Jim and Aunt Brenda's where we saw Grandma Robillard and helped Brenda's mom, Doris, celebrate her 80th birthday. I made a fool of myself playing Wii and watched Violet open her first Christmas gift - a bunny from her great uncle Jim and aunt Brenda.

Christmas morning was great, watching Violet play with all her new toys. She wasn't much into opening gifts, and sometimes she was more interested in playing with the boxes, but she was in a great mood and we had so much fun watching her.

Later that afternoon Grandpa Ned came to town and we had Christmas dinner at Jim and Andrea's. Violet enjoyed playing with her cousins, and being the center of attention. She ate Christmas dinner with the family, and had rack of lamb, prime rib, "Jackie Beans" and roasted potatoes. The girl eats anything!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Milestone: Eating with a fork

I have a really cute video of Violet eating peaches with a fork for the first time, but Blogger won't upload it, so you can't see it.

(Almost) 10 Months Old

More From Dickens on the Strand 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

An extraordinary ordinary day

Today we went to lunch and shopped for Violet's Christmas gifts, and the funny thing was she was with us. Probably the only year we can get away with that. I told her she has to ask surprised on Christmas morning.

At lunch Violet sat happily in the high chair, looking around and helping me eat my lunch. She had chicken, avocado and garlic bread. Some made it into her mouth, even more landed on the floor. We are now good tippers (sorry for the mess, waiter dude).

Been wrapping presents and baking cookies. Ahhh...the holidays!

Friday, December 11, 2009

NOW they tell me!

No one tells you to expect your baby to get sick once a month, and no one tells you that they will run a scary-high temperature for 5 days! And no one tells you that then they will run a scary-low temperature. And no one tells you that you can give Motrin and Tylenol because they do different things, and no one tells you that it's ok if your baby doesn't want to eat for those 5 days (as long as she drinks), and no one tells you that you have to go to the doctor four times in 1 week, and no one tells you that your baby will wake up crying in the middle of the night and feel like she is on fire, and no one tells you that you will sit and rock your sick baby for 2 hours while she sleeps because she just wants to be held, and no one tells you what it really means to be worried sick. And no one tells you that even though you don't think so when you are going through it, you (and she) will survive. Yeah, where was all that in the manual?!?!


Violet saw her first Galveston of all places! From the looks of this picture, we were more impressed by it than she was.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

101 ways to have fun with a box

We weren't even drunk (but we did drink a pot of coffee).

And the #1 way to have fun with a box...

Put your wiener in it!

PINK Christmas

Violet's First Thanksgiving

Violet's first Thanksgiving was great. Dad, Mom, Violet and Jagger walked the Turkey Trot with Deanna and Jay. Grandpa Ned drove in from The Woodlands, and we all went to Jim and Andrea's for the feast.

We decided to try Violet on "regular" table food, and what better than thanksgiving dinner?!?! She ate Turkey, mashed potatoes, cheesy mashed potatoes, green beans, yams, and bread. LOTS of bread. Did I mention she loves bread?? She sat at the table and ate with the family. It was so much fun.

Later Violet napped on the couch with Grandpa while we watched home movies of Violet's great grandparents, Pappy and Grammy.

Violet's second cousin Katie was there and handed down tons of adorable clothes to Violet and Ainsley.

It was such a full day, Violet skipped her last bottle, fell asleep in her clothes and didn't wake up until morning.

Turkey Trot

Lining up at the starting line for the 5-mile Turkey Trot

Half way done, and still going strong. Even Jagger.

Violet stayed awake the whole time!

Deanna and Jay.

Stopped for a drink. Almost done. Let's go eat turkey.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Waffles and Carrots

Get me outta here!

Violet crawled under her exersaucer and then started crying because she couldn't get out. Like any good mother, instead of helping her I ran to get the camera.

Friday, November 20, 2009


She just picked up a Cheerio and put it in her mouth all by herself - twice!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Love this outfit

Rather proud of myself for finding cute outfits at the consignment store. Guilt free shopping!

Tiny Toes

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Almost 9 Months

Doing laps around the couch

Playing with her shadow.

Pulling Up

After this stunt, we lowered the crib.

Monday, November 16, 2009