Last year at Halloween Violet was only 8 months old, so this year was really her first official Halloween complete with costume(s), pumpkin carving, trick-or-treating and candy eating. It was perfect.
At first she wasn't sure she wanted to get in her costume, but after to some trickery, I was able to distract her long enough to get her dressed as the cutest little belly dancer you've ever seen. She then realized it wasn't so bad. The next hurdle was getting her to agree to wear the sparkly silver shoes. This is normally not a problem, but today she was obsessed with a pair of hand-me-down shoes. (More about shoes in another post...she loves 'em!)
We figured that we would make it to about 4 houses and call it a night. As it turned out we caught up with some neighbors and their little girl, and Violet was having so much fun that we kept going. She walked the whole street and cried when it was time to go home.
At home we gave her 1 piece of candy, but she really wasn't interested in eating it, she wanted to play with it. In fact the worst part was prying her trick or treat bucket out of her hand at bed time. I have a feeling she has visions of candy corn dancing in her head tonight. Here are some pictures of the highlights:
Heading out

Violet and "Flamingo" Allison who lives across the street

Our Belly Dancers Belly

Back home and happy with a full bucket of candy. By the way, this is what you get now when you ask for Violet's "biggest smile".

Basking in it. She was obsessed with her haul. She didn't want to eat it, just empty bucket, reload bucket, empty bucket, reload bucket, repeat....