Friday, March 6, 2009

Baby Blues

There are so many factors in play the first week with a new baby. I was warned of the so-called baby-blues, but thought I had the mental capacity and support to skip right over that part. Well, was I ever wrong. It sucker punches you and won't let up until you give in. Today is a better day thanks to some excellent advice from Denise, a great friend who also happens to be a mother-baby nurse. She was a great source of support and practical advice. And to the support of Violet's dad...he's the best.

P.S. the beer worked! 

1 comment:

  1. I was told that about a week post-partum was the toughest because your body does a big hormone dump right around that time. Usually only lasts a couple of days, though. Hang in there and let us know if we can help!
