For those of you who weren't there and care about the details:
#1 - It wasn't a diaper rash, which explains why the diaper ointment did nothing. It was a yeast infection. Olivia, you were right on with that one...I don't know where you got your medical degree, but I'll gladly give you my copay from now on.
Violet gained about a pound and a half from last month. She now weighs 10 lbs, 14 oz. Which is 50th percentile. Way to be average, V!
The doctor gave us some good advice for training Violet to sleep through the night. Needless to say, we'll start immediately. She already does pretty well (she only wakes up once) and she's proven to be fairly adaptable so we're looking forward to everyone getting a full night's sleep. For the record, Jagger's sleep has never been interrupted so don't cry for him.
You may address me as "doctor" from now on.